Friday 14 June 2013

Importance of website for business start-ups

Having a good quality website for your business is even more and more important now days because of the social media technologies like Twitter, Facebook also search engines like Google , Yahoo which make user to find your business easier .Not having a website simply means you do will lose all potential customer, who tried to find your business on the Internet but failed to locate you there. On a simple word website is a collection of the pages under one Domain, which is  accessed by  anyone around the world  at any time.

Improve your website usability: simple tips to consider in your design

By now, I believe you are aware of the benefits of having a website for your business. A website being available online 24×7, helps you to reach local and global customers, generate leads and create new business opportunities. It can not only help save money on marketing and lead generation but also contribute to better customer service.  Here, I present some simple tips from a design and usability perspective to build and improve your online presence with your website.